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If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here? Did Jews Emigrate to Germany in the 1930s?

Started by Anonymous, June 23, 2021, 10:56:19 AM

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Dennis Prager is right of course. This is a question even CRT proponents won't answer.

If America is systemically racist, why have millions of blacks from Africa and the Caribbean come to this country over the past 50 years? Why would they and many millions more want to move from all-black societies to a white-dominated, racist one?

This is a question every black and white leftist should be asked. After all, no Jews moved to Germany in the 1930s. And why didn't any? After all, many Jews were suffering terrible persecution and poverty in Russia and in Eastern Europe. Why didn't any of them move to Germany after 1933?

We all know the answer: Because Germany was systemically antisemitic.

Even leftists know that answer.

So, one can only conclude that, in the view of America's leftists, non-German Jews of the 1930s had the wisdom not to move to Germany, but present-day non-American blacks have no wisdom. In the view of America's leftists, then, the millions of blacks who have moved here and the many millions who want to move here must be foods.

How else could leftists regard blacks who willingly move to America? Any black person who decides to leave a black country for America—a place the left claims was founded by racists to perpetuate racism, built and sustained by racism, to this day composed largely of whites, every one of whom is racist and many of whom are white supremacists, and therefore remains systemically racist—must be either be a fool, an ignoramus, or both.

If so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

To this question there is only one possible answer: They do not believe what they say about America.

Whether leftists believe their lies is a question I have pondered for years. And I have concluded that in general, they do. Most leftists believe that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign; that men menstruate and give birth; that Shakespeare and Beethoven are revered not because they are great but because they are white; that global warming is an "existential" threat; that the events of Jan. 6 were an "insurrection"; that voter IDs are a form of voter suppression; and that people who had COVID-19 need to be vaccinated.

But with regard to their believing America is systemically racist and so persecutes blacks—LeBron James tweets that, like all blacks, "We're literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes!" and Oprah Winfrey likens present-day America to "the days of Jim Crow when black men would be lynched and dragged through the town as an example for other people to see"—their not making any attempt to dissuade blacks from coming to America makes no sense. It only makes sense if they don't believe what they say about America.

Truth has never been a left-wing value. Truth is a liberal value and it is a conservative value. But it has never been a left-wing value. Truth is nothing more than whatever the left says it is at any given moment. That is why Lenin, the father of modern leftism, named the Soviet Communist Party newspaper "Pravda," the Russian word for "truth"—truth was what the Soviet Communist Party said it was. For Lenin, then, as for Rep. Adam Schiff, The New York Times, Yale University, and CNN today, truth is what they say it is.

Their pravda is that America is a systemically racist country. Their pravda is that all whites are racist. Their pravda is that Donald Trump is a white supremacist and that everyone who voted for any Republican is a racist.

Yet, there is a reality that Schiff and these others cannot deny: Vast numbers of blacks yearn to come to America. They do so because they have not been influenced by the pravda of Schiff and his fellow Democrats, The New York Times, and the rest of the left-wing media, or by Yale and the rest of America's left-wing universities. They do so because they have been influenced not by pravda, but by actual truth: America is the least racist multi-ethnic, multi-racial country in world history, and any black who seeks to improve his life and that of his family has a better chance of doing so in America than anywhere else. In fact, within one generation of emigrating to America, Africans from sub-Saharan African countries attain higher levels of educational attainment than the U.S. population as a whole and are more likely to have earned a degree in a science, technology, engineering, and math (Pew Research).

That's why it is not Africans who are foolish for wanting to come to America; it is America's left for thinking they are fools."> ... eG8A%3D%3D">


I read a poll that revealed the following:

80% oppose the use of classrooms to promote political activism

75% oppose teaching there is no such thing as biological sex

74% oppose teaching that white people are inherently privileged and people of color are inherently oppressed


The same poll shows that the vast majority of Americans oppose extreme "woke" activist curricula, across the country school districts continue to spend precious education funds on this divisive, toxic agenda.


With the rise of Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and more in the classroom, we're up against political forces in American schools who want to indoctrinate our kids to support radical political activism, to embrace a race-obsessed worldview, and to fundamentally dislike their country and community.

These activists have an educational mission that's at war with bedrock American values — and with American kids' happiness and ability to succeed in life.


Quote from: "Oliver Clotheshoffe" post_id=414091 time=1624475850 user_id=3349



QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

To this question there is only one possible answer: They do not believe what they say about America.

The USA wouldn't attract immigrants of African extraction if purveyors of CRT were correct..

And to prove them wrong, African and Caribbean immigrants thrive in the USA.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=414110 time=1624480227 user_id=3254
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

To this question there is only one possible answer: They do not believe what they say about America.

The USA wouldn't attract immigrants of African extraction if purveyors of CRT were correct..

And to prove them wrong, African and Caribbean immigrants thrive in the USA.

Extremists will never acknowledge these inconvenient truths.


Black immigrants immigrate to the US because they country offers so many opportunities. These opportunities are open to everybody. If they were only open to whites or Asians, Africans would not immigrate to the US. This fact bothers progtards.


The US and Canada are fucked up and both countries will cease to offer the opportunities my parents came for in the 90's. However, they are the least racist countries on earth.


QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=414167 time=1624506277 user_id=2015
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.

English speaking West Africans are hard working, educated, law abiding immigrants. Our provincial Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, is from Nigeria. I wish Nigeria would send over 100,000 more like him and we send them all our white libtards.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=414175 time=1624511067 user_id=56
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=414167 time=1624506277 user_id=2015
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.

English speaking West Africans are hard working, educated, law abiding immigrants. Our provincial Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, is from Nigeria. I wish Nigeria would send over 100,000 more like him and we send them all our white libtards.

Yes, they are.


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=414167 time=1624506277 user_id=2015
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.

Okay Scouse.


Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=414175 time=1624511067 user_id=56
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=414167 time=1624506277 user_id=2015
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.

English speaking West Africans are hard working, educated, law abiding immigrants. Our provincial Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, is from Nigeria. I wish Nigeria would send over 100,000 more like him and we send them all our white libtards.

Calm the fuck down, wannabe Shaneequa.

You can move to Nigeria if you want to see a 100k Nigerians.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=414185 time=1624557107 user_id=136
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=414175 time=1624511067 user_id=56
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=414167 time=1624506277 user_id=2015
QuoteIf so-called black "leaders" and other blacks on the left and white progressives believe what they say about America, why aren't they doing everything they can to dissuade blacks in Africa and the Caribbean from coming to America? Why aren't they regularly visiting African and Caribbean countries to warn Africans away from the black-hating country they are thinking of emigrating to?

I wouldn't complain if progs discouraged Africans from immigrating to Canada.

English speaking West Africans are hard working, educated, law abiding immigrants. Our provincial Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, is from Nigeria. I wish Nigeria would send over 100,000 more like him and we send them all our white libtards.

Calm the fuck down, wannabe Shaneequa.

You can move to Nigeria if you want to see a 100k Nigerians.

I thought Shen Li was very calm and rational.
